Locality: Anytown
Type of Care: Community
Covid Urgent Eye Service (MECS+)
The aim of the Covid-19 Urgent Eyecare Service (CUES) is to ensure people can access urgent eyecare within primary care during the coronavirus pandemic. Presenting symptoms will typically include a red or painful eye, foreign body, sudden change in vision, or flashes and floaters which might suggest retinal detachment.
Access to the service is restricted to telephone booking only to:
• Identify people with Covid-19 symptoms, at risk /self-isolating people to signpost to appropriate services
• Offer telephone/ video consultation and self-care advice or provide signed orders remotely, where appropriate
• Offer face to face appointments with optometrist following telephone/video consultations for those who are presenting with urgent and higher risk symptoms (observing PPE guidance and social distancing advice)
• Signpost to emergency services, as appropriate.
Patients can either contact a participating local optical practice via https://primaryeyecare.co.uk/find-a-practice/ Please insert the patient postcode and double click find locations and the map will refresh OR the service directly on 0300 303 4922 from 9am to 5pm Monday to Saturday.